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Programming is an essential skill as you operate data on some machine. But, we are not all Computer Science graduate who learnt Software Engineering at uni. That’s alright. It’s never too late to learn a new trick. Here are some good reads to learn programming in Python.
As usual, I want you to know that this list may not be complete and you’re always invited to suggest changes on GitHub. Thank you for your contribution.
Source: Downey, Allen. Think Python. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, 2012. URL:
“Think Python” is a great introduction to programming and software design. It was designed for students and includes examples and exercises. And, it’s freely available for download on the net.
Source: Shaw, Zed A. Learn python 3 the hard way: A very simple introduction to the terrifyingly beautiful world of computers and code. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2017. URL:
Don’t feel scared about the title. It won’t be harder to learn Python with this book other than using any other ressource. “Hard” refers to the instructive style the author deployed to guide you through some challenges and tasks. Worth it!
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Source: Ramalho, Luciano. Fluent Python. O’Reilly Media, Incorporated, 2019. URL:
“Fluent Python” presents the skills that will make you an intermediate to andvanced programmer. The focus is on simple and clear code.
Source: Bader, Dan. Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features. BookBaby, 2017. URL:
“Python Tricks” is probably not for true beginners. It’s for you to elevate your basic knowledge to feeling more confident with advanced techniques and exploit the standard libraries better.
Source: Scopatz, Anthony, and Kathryn D. Huff. Effective computation in physics: Field guide to research with python. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, 2015. URL:
“Getting started”, “Getting it done”, “Getting it right”, “Getting it out there”. These are the three sections of the book. It covers the full package of programming in Python. Mind that it has keeps the academical research context as a back drop. But that would not harm aspiring Data Professionals at all. Super recommend that book!
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